As a breeder, I’ve witnessed countless individuals welcome their new puppy with open arms, and I understand that the initial days can be both thrilling and daunting. Embracing the responsibility of bringing home your new furry friend requires foresight, ensuring a seamless integration into your loving home.
Expect some nervousness: Your Golden retriever or french Bulldog puppy just left their mom and siblings and is now in a completely new environment. They may cry, whine or have trouble sleeping. This may mean you don’t sleep well for the first few nights; this is completely normal. Patience, love and cuddles are key.
Set up a safe place for your Golden Retriever or French Bulldog puppy: This space should be free from anything that could harm your puppy such as electrical cords, chemicals, and sharp objects. A crate or playpen can offer a safe place for your puppy to stay contained. Make sure and provide a soft bed, toys to play with and water.
Start Potty Training immediately: Potty training is one of the most important things you will teach your new puppy. Whether you adopted a Golden or a French Bulldog, starting immediately and consistently is the key. Taking them out frequently and praise them.
Consider training your puppy: Command and leash training can be very helpful. Check out our Puppy Training page for tips and information about puppy training.
The first few days when you bring home your Golden or Frenchie puppy home is filled with new experiences and lots of emotions. Just like you are getting used to having a a new puppy, they are also getting used to having a new family. By starting to potty train, giving them a safe, comfortable space and starting to train your puppy, it will establish boundaries and will help with a smooth transition.