Frequently Ask Questions

What makes your puppies stand apart?

AKC purebred

Up to date on shots and deworming

Parents on site

All dogs are microchipped

One year absolute health guarantee

Breeder support after adoption

Potty training available

Command and leash training available

What determines a dogs personality?

Each puppy will be different in personality yet we believe the biggest factor is how you raise your puppy, social interactions, training,  and consistency.

How far can my puppy see?

For the first two weeks of their lives, puppies can’t see their worlds. Their eyes open when they are 14-to-21 days old, but their sight is still limited. 

Source: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/puppy-senses/

How well can my puppy hear?

Puppies are born deaf, and this is the last of their senses to fully develop. They can’t hear until they’re about three weeks old. Once their hearing kicks in, they hear about four times better than most people, including hearing a wider range of frequencies.

Source: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/puppy-senses/

How big will this puppy grow to be?

The future weight of your puppy will be determined by the weight of the parents. Check the parent dog weight under their profile.

What color will my puppy be when grown?

A puppy can change color slightly. An easy estimate of their future color lies in the color of the ears currently.

What is the difference in an English Cream Retriever and an American Golden Retriever?

The AKC doesnt recognize these as two different breeds. They are both registered as Golden Retrievers but with different color shades. The main difference lies in their color, English Cream Retrievers are almost pure white, while the American version is varies from golden to dark golden. English Cream retrievers tend to have more of a block head.

What is the deposit for a puppy? Is it refundable?

The deposit is $100 per puppy, nonrefundable.

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